Professional Planning|Engineering|Consulting.

From the idea to the implementation, we support you every step of the way, develop joint potentials, use synergies and complete the path to your goal.

15 years

Holistic solutions in the field of energy and environment, industrial production, chemical and pharmaceutical industry.


Optimization of processes, ensuring future challenges


Structure and expansion with room for creative approaches to solutions


Maximize operational potential, ensure business success


Interdisciplinary solutions

Energy & Environment

Energy transition, competition and government regulation increase complexity and risks. We develop business models and strategies for future success.

Industrial production

Optimization and efficiency go hand in hand with structural changes. With our help, you can master the transformation.

Public sector

Cost and efficiency pressures while maintaining public obligations require transparent and sustainable approaches to solutions.

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Expert knowledge

Competent answers

Operational Planning

Optimization of processes, ensuring future challenges

Keep an eye on costs, deadlines and quality while maintaining future challenges with our interdisciplinary solutions when optimizing processes in existing buildings.

To implement the challenges, we rely on intelligent solutions. In addition to a careful analysis, we examine potentials with foresight and develop an optimized solution for all operational levels. To this end, the operational planning approach takes a holistic view of operator obligations, life cycle and costs. In this area of conflict, we support you with:

  • Analyses of inventory processes (internal and external),
  • Analyses of time and process flows,
  • Control of the use of resources,
  • Localization of energy consumption,
  • Life cycle analyses,
  • Benchmark analyses,
  • SWOT analyses,
  • root cause analyses.

taking into account the legal framework and development potential.
Continuous operational planning is indispensable in companies with process-oriented thinking. With the help of our operational planning consulting division, new strategies can be developed and operational improvements achieved along the value chain.

Building Design

Structure and expansion with room for creative approaches to solutions

Every idea for construction or expansion requires room for creative approaches. Benefit from the wealth of experience of scalable implementation projects for new and existing buildings.

With the help of our many years of experience, we holistically analyze the technical, normative and economic area of conflict for our customers from the commercial and industrial sectors. With the idea, potentials for material and energy flows crystallize, based on which we can already derive considerations regarding realization, approvability and implementation period. By means of a consistent value-added assessment, the planning processes are initialized and realized until implementation. To ensure success, we divide our projects into the following steps in accordance with the HOAI:

  1. Idea
  2. Basic Engineering
  3. Approval
  4. Tendering, awarding
  5. Detail Engineering
  6. Execution, construction
  7. Operation
  8. Maintenance
  9. Deconstruction

Within the steps we offer the following services:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Factory and plant engineering
  • Plant design
  • Construction and structural steel design
  • Purchasing, contract award management
  • Project management
  • Project control
  • Cost control
  • Authority management
  • Documentation (including CV file)


Maximize operational potential, ensure business success

Every time you think outside the box, opportunities open up to maximize your operational potential. Ensure your company's success through flexibility and efficiency.

Especially in the field of energy, plant operators and public bodies are under pressure to reduce costs and efficiency. Through holistic analyses, we conscientiously compare the current status with the target, jointly develop solutions and provide support during implementation. For this we offer you:

  • Energy audit according to DIN EN 16247 (BAFA),
  • hygiene study,
  • technical feasibility studies,
  • Limit cost consideration,
  • Life cycle analyses,
  • Benchmark analyses,
  • SWOT analyses,
  • root cause analyses.

With the help of our consulting services, you can develop and evaluate new concepts and establish sustainable value chains.